Share Your Videos
In 3 Simple Steps

Welcome to Bands With Bandwidth!


With the times we are currently in, most all of our live musical performances are on hold.
With this in mind, here's an idea for your consideration...


Send me your band videos, either live or produced, new, old, or whatever,
and I will be post them to a new web page on the internet called
"Bands With Bandwidth" for you on the Bit Chute platform.
You can have your music videos posted there to share with anyone.
You can also search for content from other artists as well.


We are in need of some content to get this going!


Just follow these easy steps:

1) Video Files are needed for us to upload the content.
Send me your band video by a file sharing program like (DropBox or WeTransfer) to
info@bandswithbandwidth.com, and I will post it to a searchable webpage on the
Bands With Bandwidth channel on Bit Chute. 
The content of the video must be your content, and not owned by someone else.

2)  Include the Band or Artist Name, Genre of Music, and the Title of the Video.

3) Subscribe to the channel Bands With Bandwidth, and consider leaving a tip.


The posting site will be located at:
Thank You!

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